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<a href="/cliparts/f/e/4/8/13191393371689006502Green and Red Perched Bird.svg.thumb.png"><img src="/cliparts/f/e/4/8/13191393371689006502Green and Red Perched Bird.svg.thumb.png" alt='Green And Red Perched Bird clip art'/></a>
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<a href="/cliparts/f/e/4/8/13191393371689006502Green and Red Perched Bird.svg.med.png"><img src="/cliparts/f/e/4/8/13191393371689006502Green and Red Perched Bird.svg.med.png" alt='Green And Red Perched Bird clip art'/></a>
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<a href="/cliparts/f/e/4/8/13191393371689006502Green and Red Perched Bird.svg.hi.png"><img src="/cliparts/f/e/4/8/13191393371689006502Green and Red Perched Bird.svg.hi.png" alt='Green And Red Perched Bird clip art'/></a>