'imageScale': true, 'zoomOpacity': true, 'overlayShow': true, 'enableEscapeButton': true, 'showCloseButton': true, 'hideOnOverlayClick': true, 'hideOnContentClick': false, 'callbackOnStart': null, 'callbackOnShow': null, 'callbackOnClose': null, 'centerOnScroll': true IconEden.com Home RSS Twitter Search the blog of Front Page News Releases Freebies Icon Design Made Simple We know that we’re a bit late for the party. But late is better than never, we finally decided to take the plunge and join Twitter. Follow us today to keep abreast of news, promotion, icon give-aways and resources from the icon design community. View release post on Smashing Magazine Follow us on Twitter Like what you read? Tweet Title Subscribe to our RSS Andreas Fendri says: This icon set is very nice, cute and I really love it very much! I think I will use one of them to replace the prev twitter icon on my site. thanks. Great work JenniC says: These little Tweeters are gorgeous. Thank you for the download. Alexander Davis says: You guys make amazing Icons. I have featured some of your sets on my Icon Site. Your Bright Icon set is great and it currently featured on the front page. Hope you guys keep on pumping out great Icons. BenDesign says: Great Icons. Thank you for uploading them. Stacking Office Chairs says: WOW, thats about all I can say! Your icons are beautiful. You have displayed more talent in one set of icons than I could put on display in a months work. Great job. Renato Borges says: Muito boms os icones Twibies Admin says: Jeevan says: Cute twitter icons. Good job. beierli says: beierli ugg I’m glad to let you know that your icon set has been reviewed and deemed suitable for our gallery. MyBB says: very nice Back to IconEden.com Premium Icons Icon Club Free Icons
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